Co-Researcher Portal

Thank you for being part of the NOVELL Redesign project. You can use this section to access participation opportunities. Please use the links below to navigate to current opportunities and to access our co-researcher only blog.


Click below to access the resources section of our website. Please note that you may need to register for or login to this section separately.

Co-Researcher Blog

Click the link below to access our co-researcher only blog. Remember, we also have our main blog that will be sharing more public elements of the project.

Participation Opportunities

Please see below for current participation opportunities

Current Participation Opportunities

Shaping Stage 2 of NOVELL Redesign

We are currently planning Stage 2 of NOVELL Redesign and focusing in on how we will be addressing the many interesting innovation opportunities that were identified in Stage 1. Head across to the Co-researcher Blog post on this topic to find out more and to add some contributions.

Past Participation Opportunities

Above the Line, Below the Line

Our next step in the NOVELL Redesign project is translating the fantastic data we collected in our workshops as part of Stage 1, into design-challenges that we can begin to work through in Stage 2 and test together in Stage 3. To do this, we need to go through a process of deciding what’s “in” and what is “out”. We have reviewed the data against baseline healthcare facility designs, as well as the Australasian Health Facility Guidelines, and are now seeking input into which ideas or elements you see as new and exciting, and which are already part of standard practice. You will be able to contribute to this process in coming weeks.